Beautiful, dishwasher-safe and impact-resistant, with MEMENTO SYNTH, Memento reinterprets itself in a new synthetic version of the original bally glass.
MEMENTO is the brand that has radically changed the conception and role of glassware, which evolves into a true means of personal expression and identification. MEMENTO ORIGINALE products are the result of an artisanal working and blowing process, guaranteeing a series of unique features, such as bubbles: small, spherical air bubbles trapped inside the glass itself. Bubbles that are the hallmark of MEMENTO the original. Bubbles that are offered in a totally innovative version by MEMENTO SYNTH, the new collection that fully reflects the characteristics of the Memento glass, in terms of range of shapes and variety of colors, reinterpreted, however, in a new synthetic material. If everyone copies Memento, Memento surprises everyone by offering a shockproof copy in every way equal to the original!
Memento Synth glasses are very impact resistant, the perfect choice for outdoor use, boating or for those with children.
Memento’s distinguishing feature is its bubbles.Memento Original products are made of methacrylate, a material that can be completely recycled, thus encouraging recycling and environmental friendliness.Memento products are dishwasher safe.
No microwave / No oven.